Save the information in the fields, when the entire file is completed
under review
Lorena Ramos Montes
LAURA RODRIGUEZ During the next sprint, the product team will dedicate a space to analyzing how this need can be solved.
ana camila yomayusa caceres
What if they make this optional in the form settings? What does the user choose if they go with the option of saving field by field or with the save?
Jose Luis de la Rosa
Verónica Meza I have also had other suggestions to have this functionality again, before it was in product but it was changed to automatic saving.
As Adrián indicates, it should ideally be configurable.
Jose Luis de la Rosa
under review
Adrián Scotto
It could be a configurable option in the doctype. If I'm not mistaken, there is already the “Save” button that saves everything when clicked (although field-to-field saving is always active)